Ultimate Guide for the Best
Django Resources, Tutorials, Videos

Tutorials, E-books and PDF, Code Samples
Cheat Sheets, Development Tools, Validators, Tutorials, Pandas

Django Web framework That Encourages Rapid Development

Updated: August 15, 2024
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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Django is a powerful open-source framework written in Python that makes it easy to develop complex websites quickly. It includes dozens of addons that you can use to handle common web development tasks. This program will take care of user authentication, content administration, site maps, RSS feeds, and many more tasks.

It includes multiple features such as an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework for database interactions. Template system for quickly creating HTML pages. Out-of-the-box Security Measures such as password hashing and CSRF protection. Support for URL routing and middleware applications. Integration with popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and much more.

Today it is uncommon to create a website from scratch. Web frameworks are written for every modern programming languages including Rails for Ruby, Express for JavaScript, and Django or Flask for Python. Named after the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt

Django is used by some of the largest websites in the world including Instagram, Mozilla, and NASA
22 more websites listed below Django Sites

Website Hosting

Django ResourcesDjango Resources

Django.How Development Guide and Resources

Free & Open Source Built with love to be used Free Django project includes all the must-have apps and much more 10's of Free Ready Apps All needed apps to start Blog.

Getting started. Django documentation

If you're new to programming entirely, you might want to start with this list of Python resources for non-programmers.

Django Resources

Django has been one of the most prominent Python web frameworks for almost 15 years now. Django is downloaded about 200,000 times each day.

Best Free Django Resources & Tutorials

Free resources for learning Django are plentiful, including documentation from The Django Project and videos available on platforms such as YouTube.

Real Python: Bonus Django Resources

Real Python: Bonus Django Resources This is a list of further in-depth Django resources and tutorials available on RealPython.com you can use to deepen your Python + Django skills.

Top 5 Resources to Learn Django

Real Python First on the list is Real Python. It is an online learning website that has Python, Django, Kivy and a lot of tutorials.

Resources. django-import-export

Resource class import_export.resources.Resource(**kwargs) Resource defines how objects are mapped to their import and export representations.

Resources. Django CMS

. Get started Developer Docs User Guide Support Plugins. Community. How to contribute.

Django. Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on Django. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

Resources Tastypie 0.14.6 documentation

Django In terms of a REST-style architecture, a "resource" is a collection of similar data. This data could be a table of a database, a collection of other resources.

Packages/LibrariesDjango Packages and Libraries

Django Packages

Django Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Django projects. Add Package Add Grid Apps Small components used to build projects.

Top 20 Most-Used Django Packages and Libraries

Exploring Django's packages and libraries offers a deep dive into development theory and practical apps.

Exploring Django's Third-Party Packages

They are third-party libraries or modules that developers can integrate into their Django projects to enhance functionality, streamline development.

The 10 Most-Used Django Packages

The 10 Most-Used Django Packages Last updated Dec 11, 2022.

8 Python packages that will simplify your life with Django

we're devoting this month's Python column to packages that will help you.

Top 12 Django Packages and Libraries

1. Django REST Framework (DRF) 2. Django Tenants 3. Django Import Export 4. Celery 5. Django CKEditor 6. django-filter 7. Cookiecutter Django 8. Django Debug Toolbar 9. django-allauth 10. Django ImageKit 11. Django Baton 12. django-extensions.

The 10 Most-Used Django Packages

. If ever a third-party package was core to modern Django usage, this is it.

Django Packages : django reusable apps, sites and tools directory

Django Packages stores information on fetched packages and provides easy comparison tools for them. Public APIs include PyPI, GitHub, and BitBucket.

10 Essential Django Packages for Developers

Django REST Framework (DRF) If you need a robust and versatile toolkit to create Web APIs.

6 Python Packages you should be using in every Django Web App

There are countless Python packages easily added to any project. But there are some packages you can't help but use in every Django.

Django PandasDjango Pandas


Released: Oct 29, 2021 Project description Tools for working with pandas in your Django projects.

display django-pandas dataframe in a django template

I am trying to use django with pandas for data analysis. There seem to be no simple step by step tutorial on this.

Django 3 Course. Python Web Framework

Django 3 Course. Python Web framework (+ pandas, matplotlib, & more). YouTube.

How To Use Python Pandas in Django. YouTube

Learn how to use pandas in Django. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use pandas in Django data. And convert a query set of data into a Data frame.

Django Packages : django-pandas

Tools for working with pandas in your Django projects Repo Activity Last fetched: 8 hours, 17 minutes ago Fetch latest data.

Django, Pandas, and Chart.js for a quick dashboard

2 Screenshot by author Today we will talk about how to use Django, Pandas, and Chart.js together to throw up a quick dashboard.

Converting Django Querysets to Pandas Dataframes

Django is an incredible Python-based web application with a powerful ORM model that makes rapid-prototyping and data-wrangling a breeze.

How to read sql query to pandas dataframe / python / django

I think aus_lacy is a bit off in his solution. first you have to convert the QuerySet to a string containing the SQL backing the QuerySet.


Cheat SheetsDjango Cheat Sheets

Django Cheat Sheet. DEV Community

Django Cheat Sheet. #beginners #python #django Table of Contents.

Django ORM Cheatsheet: Mastering Database Operations

Django ORM Cheatsheet Model Definition Queryset Basics Creating and Updating Objects.

Django Cheat Sheet. And Free Samples

Check Python version $ python --version Python 3.8.4 Django Cheat Sheet.

My beloved Django cheat sheet

My beloved Django cheat sheet # python # django # beginners.

Django Cheat Sheet. GitHub

Django Cheat Sheet A cheat-sheet for creating web apps with the Django framework using the Python language.

Django Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference

m #Django Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference #Database Engines django.db.backends.postgresql django.db.backends.mysql django.db.backends.sqlite3 django.db.backends.oracle #Example configuration in settings.py.

Django Cheat Sheet. QuickStart

Django Cheat Sheet 11 minute read Django is a free and open-sourced coding framework. It's based on Python.

Advanced Django cheat sheet

Advanced Django Cheat Sheet Be aware it's not an exhaustive list. If you have ideas, correction or recommendation do not hesitate.

Django Security. OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

Django Security Cheat Sheet¶ Introduction¶ The Django framework is a powerful Python web framework, and it comes with built-in security features that can be used out-of-the-box to prevent common web vulnerabilities.

ValidatorsDjango Validators

Validators. Django documentation

The django.core.validators module contains a collection of callable validators for use with model and form fields.

Form and field validation. Django documentation

Validators are functions (or callables) that take a single argument and raise ValidationError on invalid input.

Validators. Django 5.0 documentation

The django.core.validators module contains a collection of callable validators for use with model and form fields.

Validators. Django REST framework

Validation in Django REST framework serializers is handled a little differently to how validation works in Django's ModelForm class.

A Comprehensive Guide to Django Validators

I am here to guide you through the concept of Django validators. Validators in Django are nothing more than simple functions or methods that check the validity of data.

django.core.validators. Django documentation

Validate that the input does not exceed the maximum number of digits expected, otherwise raise ValidationError.

How to use validators in django

The validators do not run when you .save() an object, this is mainly done for performance reasons.

Validators. Django 2.1.16

The django.core.validators module contains a collection of callable validators for use with model and form fields.

Django Form Validation

Django comes with lots of useful form validation tools right out of the box, which make building forms,.

Mastering form validation in Django: A complete guide

Mastering form validation in Django: A complete guide. Form validation is an important part of every web application.

Code EditorsDjango Code Editors

Django Online IDE & Code Editor for Technical Interviews

Django Online IDE & Code Editor for Technical Interviews Experience our Django IDE yourself See just how easy and intuitive CoderPad Interview is to use below.

15 Best Django IDE and editors

a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment that was created by Jet Brains. It's one of the best Django IDE for any project.

Django Online Compiler (Editor)

Django Compiler (Editor) If you want to create your own website or build Python applications using Django, check out W3Schools Spaces.

Best WYSIWYG Django Rich Text Editor

The Django Rich Text Editor component is a feature-rich lightweight WYSIWYG HTML editor that provides the best user interface for editing content.

Code editor · HonKit. Django Girls

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring.

django-content-editor. Editing structured content

Django's builtin admin application provides a really good and usable administration interface for creating and updating content.

Integrating Rich Text Editor with Django

For the sake of simplicity, I have presented the steps with lucrative code examples.

Best free WYSIWYG editor Python Django admin panel

Here you will see a list of free ready-to-use WYSIWYG editors with good open source Django admin integration modules.

Help with text editor. Using Django

Almost every django guide suggests using wysiwyg editor for example TinyMCE or CKEditor. But almost no one use it in the internet.

Blog Hosting

Django TutorialsDjango Tutorials

Django Tutorial. W3Schools

This tutorial covers how to install and create a Django project, how to work with data, HTML templates, query sets and more.

Django Tutorials. Real Python

Learn how to use Django, a high-level Python Web framework, with intermediate to advanced tutorials on testing, REST API, best practices, deployment and caching.

Getting started. Django documentation

Getting started New to Django? Or to web development in general?.

Home. LearnDjango.com

Build Modern Web Applications with Python In-depth tutorials and courses to learn step-by-step how to build, test, and deploy real-world applications.

Django introduction. Learn web development

Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites.

Tutorials. Django

Django Tutorials General Tutorials Django Lessons. Weekly screencasts about Django and its ecosystem for intermediate developers Django Girls tutorial.

How to Learn Django

Django Tutorials Finally we come to Django itself whose official docs feature a Start page.

Django Tutorial. GeeksforGeeks

Learn Django, a Python-based web framework that allows you to create efficient web applications with built-in features and scalability.

Django Tutorial. Online Courses and eBooks Library

Quick Guide Django is a web development framework that assists in building and maintaining quality web applications.

Django Tutorial

This Django tutorial helps you learn how to use the Django web framework from scratch via practical and real-world examples.

Django VideosDjango Videos

Python Django Tutorial for Beginners. YouTube

Python Django Tutorial for Beginners. Learn Django for a career in back-end development. This Django tutorial teaches you everything you need to get started.

Python Django Web Framework. Full Course for Beginners

Learn the Python Django framework with this free full course. Django is an extremely popular and fully featured server-side web framework, written in Python.

Python Django 7 Hour Course. YouTube

Build a discord-like application with Python Django. Visit the finished application at https://studybuddev.herokuapp.com/Get The Full Django Beginners Course.

Django For Beginners. Full Tutorial. YouTube

Welcome to this Django complete course. In this video, I'll be covering all the important aspects of Django that as a beginner you need to know.

Python Django Explained In 8 Minutes. YouTube

A list of the 15 most important concepts every Django developer should have a solid grasp on.Django.

Python Django Tutorials. YouTube

Best practices Learn Django best practices, recommended workflow, project structure and also how to avoid common pitfalls when building Django projects.

What is Django. Django Tutorial for Beginners. YouTube

Learn the Popular Python Framework from Dr. Chuck Beau Carnes Django is one of the most popular ways to create full-stack websites with Python.

Django Tutorials. YouTube

Django Tutorials Corey Schafer 17 videos.

How to Learn Django

Note: I gave a version of this tutorial at DjangoCon US 2022. You can see the video here: The Django Jigsaw Puzzle.

Introduction to Django [Video]. O'Reilly Media

4.5 Hours of Video Instruction Django is the most popular web framework for Python and is used by many large websites.

E-booksDjango E-books and PDF

Learning Django eBook (PDF)

Learning Django eBook (PDF) Download this eBook for free.

The Definitive Guide to Django: (PDF)

The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right Adrian Holovaty, Jacob K. Moss.

The Django Book. Read the Docs (PDF)

The community edition of The Django Book is in transition. While the book mentions Django version 1.4 in places, the vast majority of the book is for Django version 1.0, which was released over four years ago.

Django. The Easy Way (2nd Edition). Internet Archive (PDF)

a practical, step-by-step guide on how to build Django websites. Django is a Python based open source web development framework that has been around since 2005.

Django Documentation

This stable pdf version of the Django documentation covers the core features, best practices, and advanced topics in a clear and concise format.

Building APIs with Django and Django Rest Framework

Setup, Models and Admin. In this tutorial we will walk through a process of creating an API for a basic poll application.

The Definitive Guide to Django. Springer

eBook versions and licenses are also available for most titles. For more information, reference our Special Bulk Sales-eBook Licensing web page.

Web Development with Django. Second Edition [Book]

Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook. Key Features. Understand Django functionality and the Model-View-Template (MVT) paradigm.

Django 4 By Example. Fourth Edition

Django 4 By Example. Fourth Edition. By Antonio Melé. Book + AI Assistant. eBook + AI Assistant.

Django. DevFreeBooks

Free book Read the best free ebooks about Django web framework.

best hosting

Django Code SamplesDjango Code Samples

Top 5 Django Code Examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Django examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects. Secure your code as it's written. and fix issues immediately.

Writing your first Django app

Namely, you'll need to auto-generate some code that establishes a Django project. a collection of settings for an instance of Django, including database configuration.

Django Tutorial in Visual Studio Code

Django Tutorial in Visual Studio Code Django is a high-level Python framework designed for rapid, secure, and scalable web development.

Django Tutorial. W3Schools

Code Editor (Try it) With our online code editor, you can edit code and view the result in your browser. ... Django is a back-end server side web framework.

Lightweight Django Code Examples

Lightweight Django Code Examples This repository contains all the code from the book, Using These Examples Each example has been separated out into different branches that correspond to their chapter.

Django Web Framework

This module shows you why Django is one of the most popular web server frameworks, how to set up a development environment, and how to start using it to create your own web applications.

Django. Full Stack Python

Open source Django example projects. Reading open source code can be useful when you are trying to figure out how to build your own projects. This is a short list of some real-world example applications.

Top 45+ Django Projects with Source Code

Here, you will find three levels of the projects we have covered Django projects for beginners, Django projects for intermediates, and Django projects for advanced levels.

15+ Django Projects With Source Code

Registration and login system. Calculator Application. Text to HTML converter. Calorie tracker. Email sender Intermediate Django Projects. Chat application, more.

Top 10 Django Projects For Beginners With Source Code

Django provides a high-level framework with which it is easy to build applications that are scalable without sacrificing the robust design and system.

Django Websites Popular Websites Built With Django Web Framework.

The websites listed below are using Python and Django framework for part or all of their projects.
Sites like Google and Yahoo use it within their searching engine.
The number of sites built with the help of Django is into the thousands.

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