A wildcard certificate is a type of SSL/TLS certificate designed to secure multiple subdomains under a single domain. Unlike standard SSL certificates, which only protect one specific domain, a wildcard certificate can cover all subdomains of that domain, such as blog.example.com, shop.example.com, and mail.example.com. This makes it a cost-effective and convenient solution for businesses managing numerous subdomains. By using a wildcard certificate, you ensure that all subdomains are encrypted and secure, enhancing your site's overall security and user trust. Additionally, wildcard certificates simplify the management of your SSL/TLS setup, reducing administrative overhead. Whether you're running an e-commerce site or a blog network, a wildcard certificate can be a valuable tool for maintaining robust security across your web presence.
Obtaining a wildcard certificate for your website involves several key steps to ensure your domain and its subdomains are securely encrypted. First, choose a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) that offers wildcard certificates and select the appropriate plan based on your needs. Next, generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from your web server, including the wildcard domain name (e.g., *.example.com). Submit this CSR to the CA along with any required documentation for domain verification. After validation, the CA will issue your wildcard certificate. Finally, install the certificate on your web server and configure it to secure all subdomains under your domain. By following these steps, you can effectively secure your website and enhance your online security.
An SSL Wildcard certificate issued to
Is valid for:
And any type of subdomain you would like to use
PositiveSSL Wildcard is a cost-effective solution for securing multiple subdomains of a single domain. PositiveSSL Wildcard certificates secure unlimited subdomains and are easy to install, saving you time and effort. A PositiveSSL Wildcard SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com is valid for: www.yourdomain.com, secure.yourdomain.com, mail.yourdomain.com, etc. Domain Validation, $10,000 Warranty, 15-Day Refund, No Paperwork.
The EssentialSSL Wildcard certificate is a great value for small and medium-sized businesses. Because it's a wildcard certificate, you can quickly and easily secure an unlimited number of subdomains of the same domain name. An EssentialSSL Wildcard certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com is valid for: www.yourdomain.com, secure.yourdomain.com, mail.yourdomain.com, etc. Domain Validation, $10,000 Warranty, 15-Day Refund, No Paperwork.
The PremiumSSL Wildcard certificate is designed for securing unlimited subdomains of a single domain. It's the perfect solution for websites hosting a single domain with various subdomains, such as mail.domain.com and products.domain.com. This is a full business-validated certificate. Organization Validation, $250,000 Warranty, 15-Day Refund, Unlimited Server Licenses.
No SSL provider in the world comes close when it comes to offering Comodo SSL certificates at competitive pricing - backed up by world-class support and infrastructure.
How long does it take before my domain name is active?
In some instances it is immediate. But it usually takes about 12-24 hours before it is active. Note: All ISPs must update their records (DNS tables) to reflect the new Domain Name
Can I have multiple domains pointing to my website?
Yes, We can "point" other domain names to your existing website with no additional charge to you. You will need to make sure these Domains also use our Name Servers or DNS numbers. This is a great way to expand the marketing of your website
What Control Panels do you provide?
We provide cPanel as the standard control interfacefor your website with all hosting packages. With over 80 different features it is one of the most powerful but easy to use. With just a few clicks you can add email accounts, MySQL Databases, Addon Domains and many more
What are these other extensions such as .cc, .ws, .du, etc?
Two character extensions are called country codes and are used for country code designation. They work the same as the .com .net .org.... There are more than 230 country codes for nations and territories around the world