Tips and Tricks for Windows 10

Listing Short Cut Keys
Activate God Mode

Hidden and Advanced, Hacks and Tweaks

Updated: July 27 2023
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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Windows 10 is a vast operating system from Microsoft with plenty of features you might never stumble upon. Make the most of Windows 10 with these great tips

Search from the Start Menu

Another great way to quickly get to an app or file is to open the Start menu, either by clicking on it or using the Windows key, then simply typing is the name of the app, file, or folder you're looking for

Customize the Start Menu Even More

You can change the overall appearance of the Start menu by choosing Settings, then going to Personalization. From there, select the Colors option to change the background color of your Start menu. Head to the Start tab to adjust even more options, like hiding most used and recently added apps, as well as the folders that appear and more

Resize the Start Menu

Making it so that it only takes up a small corner of your screen, or as large as your entire desktop. Just drag from the corners

Maximize Any Window

Just click and hold the title bar, then drag it all the way to the top edge of your screen. As soon as you let go of your mouse, the window will be maximized

Use Snap Assist for Split-Screen View

To open two windows in a perfect split-screen view, start by dragging the first window to either the left or right edge of your screen. Release your mouse button, the window will automatically be sized to fit exactly one half of your screen, then Snap Assist will populate the opposite half of your display with thumbnails of any other windows you currently have open

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Snap Windows into Corners for 3 or 4 Apps at a Time

You can even snap windows to each corner of your display by dragging any window into one of the four corners of your screen, then let go of your mouse button to snap it into a window that's a quarter of the size

Rotate Your Screen

This tip won't be useful to most, but you can rotate your screen by simultaneously pressing Ctrl + Alt + D and any of the arrow buttons. The down arrow will flip it upside down, the left or right arrow buttons will turn it 90 degrees on its side, and the up arrow will bring you back to standard orientation. If you use multiple displays, this feature allows you to orient just that display in a particular way. Alternatively, you can right-click on the desktop background > Graphics Options > Rotation to turn your page around in all sorts of ways

Right-Click on the Taskbar

Here's a handy menu that will allow you to quickly access a number of presets for the toolbars, Cortana, and window schemes. There's a lot there, and it is just a click away

Reboot & Shut Down Options in the Start Menu

Options for shutting down, rebooting, and sleeping your PC are now located in the Start menu. Simply click on the "Power" entry in the Start menu to access these options

Activate God Mode

Starting with Windows 10, system options are now scattered across two separate menus—Control Panel and Settings. This obviously leads to a bit of confusion when it comes to finding the option you're looking for, but a hidden "God Mode" menu will put all of Windows 10s options in one place
Create a new folder anywhere, like on the Desktop - Then give it the following name:
Now just open this folder to find quick links to every single option Windows 10 has to offer. Note that "God mode" isn't a new feature exclusive to Windows 10, but does work to consolidate options, which is especially useful now that they're split between two areas

Access All Your Apps in the Start Menu

Possibly the best thing about having the Start menu back is the ability to access all your apps from it. Just click the "All apps" option to see them in an alphabetical list

Pin Items to the Start Menu

While having a full app list is great, it can be a pain to scroll through if you find yourself constantly opening the same few apps over and over. To make them easier to access, simply right-click on them, then choose the "Pin to Start" option to have placed as a Tile. This can also be done with folders and documents from File Explorer

Access the Quick Actions Menu

To access the quick action's menu, simply click the Action Center icon in your notification area, which looks a lot like a chat bubble icon. From there, just click any icon to quickly adjust any of its settings

Customize the Quick Actions Menu

Head to the Settings entry in your Start menu, then choose the System entry. Now go to the "Notifications & actions" tab, where you will see your top four quick action toggles listed at the top of the screen. From there, you'll see a drop-down menu with all the possible quick actions that you can assign to that spot

Create Multiple Desktops

Start by clicking the task view button next to the search bar (or icon) in your task-bar, which will bring up a button in the bottom-right corner of your screen labeled "+ New desktop." Just click this button to create a second desktop, then click it again to create a third, and so on

Switch Between Desktops

Just click the task view button, then click any of the thumbnails at the bottom of the screen to switch to an open desktop. Closing your desktops out is equally simple—just click the task view button, then hover your mouse pointer over one of the desktop thumbnails and click the "X" button

Change the Default Search Engine in Edge

Bing, unsurprisingly, is Edge's default search engine, but it doesn't have to be. Navigate to another, and if it is supported, you will see an option to add it to Edge

Annotate, Highlight, & Insert Notes in Edge

Probably the coolest feature of them all is the ability to mark up web pages in Edge. You can quickly take notes, write, highlight, and even type directly on a website. When you click on the Edit icon at the top right, a purple bar will appear, with tools to draw, highlight, erase, make notes, take screenshots, and share

Use Reader Mode in Edge

Seeing a page littered with ads, related stories and pictures, and videos can be a big distraction. Luckily, Edge comes with a Reading view that strips all that crap away, leaving behind a clean page with just the important stuff

Share Links Easier in Edge

As long as you have the corresponding apps installed, you can easily share links to them using the Share button located to the right of the address bar

New Search Feature in File Explorer

The search box isn't new, but now it will only look for files and folders within the folder or drive you've currently selected, helping to narrow things down quite a bit. Once search results have populated, click the Search tab near the top of the screen to expose more options in a ribbon menu

Pin Folders in File Explorer

If there are any folders or libraries that you'd like to pin to your Quick access menu, simply right-click them in File Explorer, then select "Pin to Quick access" and they'll be easily available in the left pane

Libraries Menu in File Explorer

The old Libraries feature is nowhere in sight, but it isn't gone. Simply go to the View ribbon menu, then click the Navigation Pane option. From here, select the "Show libraries" entry, and it will be back in the left-side pane

Scrollable Background Apps (& How to Disable Them)

A simple new feature in Windows 10 that should help quite a bit with multitasking is the ability to scroll apps that you're not actively using. For instance, if you have two windows open, you can hover the pointer over the background window and use your mouse wheel to scroll the page without having to bring it to the foreground. If you'd like to disable this option, head to the main Settings menu and choose "Devices." From here, select "Mouse & touchpad," then the relevant option will be towards the bottom of the page

Make Your Command Prompt Window Transparent

If you like to dig your virtual fingers into the innards of Windows via the Command Prompt, Windows 10 provides a ghostly way to interface with it. To access the Command Prompt interface in Windows 10, click on the Windows menu and type "Command Prompt" to bring up quick access to its desktop app. To personalize the experience, right-click at the top of the window to prompt a pop-up menu and choose "Properties." Click over to the "Colors" tab to see a range of personalization options. At the bottom of this tab, you'll find the "Opacity" slider, which allows you to see through the Command Prompt window. This feature lets you code away in the Command Prompt while simultaneously observing the desktop. If you are a Windows hacky wacky person, go nuts

Tweak Almost Anything

There has always been a handy interface-tweaking utility for Windows, Developer Paras Sidhu and his Ultimate Windows Tweaker program will now let you tweak almost any aspect of Windows 10

Windows Shortcut Keys

Some new, Some Old, Some just Cool

Windows Key
Open or close the Start menu
Win + X
Windows Start context menu
Win + I
Windows 10 Settings menu
Win + A
Action Center sidebar for quick access to system toggles
Win + D
Display the desktop
Win + M
Minimize all windows
Win + B
To Move Focus to the System Tray
Win + E
Open Computer or Explorer
Win + F
Search for a file or folder
Win + L
Lock your computer or switch users
Win + R
Open the Run dialog box
Win + T
Cycle through programs on the task-bar
Win + G
Cycle through gadgets
Win + U
Open Ease of Access Center
Win + X
Open Windows Mobility Center
Win + P
Adjust presentation settings for your display
Win + Pause
Display the System Properties dialog box
Win + Number
Start the program pinned to the task-bar in the position indicated by the number
Win + Tab
Cycle through programs on the task-bar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Win + Spacebar
Preview the desktop
Win + Up Arrow
Maximize the window
Win + Right Arrow
Maximize the window to the right side of the screen
Win + Left Arrow
Maximize the window to the left side of the screen
Win + Down Arrow
Minimize the window
Win + Home
Minimize all but the active window
Win + Shift+ UpArrow
Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen
Win + Shift+ M
Restore minimized windows to the desktop
Win + Up/Down/Left/Right
for Moving the Active Window
Win + Shift+ Left Arrow
to Move Active Window to Left Monitor
Win + Shift+ Right Arrow
to Move Active Window to Right Monitor
Win + Shift+ number
Start a new instance of the program pinned to the task-bar in the position indicated by the number
Win + Alt+ number
Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the task-bar in the position indicated by the number
Win + (+/-)
Zoom in/out
Win + Ctrl+ F
Search for computers (if you're on a network)
Win + Ctrl+ B
Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area
Win + Ctrl+ number
Switch to the last active window of the program in the task-bar in the position indicated by the number
Win + Ctrl+ Tab
Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the task-bar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Ctrl + A
Select all items in a document or window
Ctrl + C
Copy the selected item
Ctrl + X
Cut the selected item
Ctrl + V
Paste the selected item
Ctrl + Z
Undo an action
Ctrl + Y
Redo an action
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Down Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl + Up Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl + Shift arrow key
Select a block of text
Ctrl + F4
Closes the active document
Ctrl + Alt + Tab
Use the arrow keys to switch between open items
Ctrl + Scroll Wheel
Change the size of icons on the desktop
Ctrl + Esc
Open the Start menu
Ctrl + Shift + Click
to Open a Program As Administrator
Ctrl + Shift + N
Create a New Folder
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Open Task Manager
Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin
Shift + Delete
Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
Shift + F10
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Display Help
Rename the selected item
Search for a file or folder
Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer
Refresh the active window
Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
Activate the menu bar in the active program
Cancel the current task
Alt + Tab
Switch between open items
Alt + Enter
Display properties for the selected item
Alt + F4
Close the active item, or exit the active program
Alt + Spacebar
Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Alt + Esc
Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened
Alt + Up Arrow
View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer
Right Arrow
Open the next menu to the right, or open a sub-menu
Left Arrow
Open the next menu to the left, or close a sub-menu
Shift When Inserting CD
Prevent the CD from automatically playing
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