No longer need that app on your phone to figure out how much to tip your server
Just type in “Calculate Tip [Bill Total]” into the search bar
A screen pops up that’ll help you toggle the percentage
And it will even split a bill for multiple people with the click of a button
This one is Great!! If you ever want to know the definition of a word without having
to go to or Merriam-Webster or, God forbid, a book
Just type in “Define [Term]” and Google will find and highlight the definition for you.
If you have ever wondered how many people live in a particular city, country, or even continent, then the first is for you
Type: “population [location]” Example: “population london”
Type: unemployment rate [location] Example: “unemployment rate london”
Type: translate [words] [language] Example: “translate read carefully french”
Type: “weather [location]” Example: “weather london”
Another easy one to remember
Type: “sunrise [location]” Example: “sunrise london”
Type: “sunset [location]” Example: “sunset london”
When you're looking to purchase something from your favorite e-commerce store on the Web,
don't click on that final checkout button until you've searched for the name of the store plus the word "coupon"
These promo codes can help you get free shipping, a percentage off your purchase
Or for future savings. It's always worth a look!
There are literally trillions of fun facts on Google
Type “Fun Facts” into the search bar for a completely random fun fact
Then click the “ASK ANOTHER QUESTION” button at the bottom for more facts
Some of these tips are about as basic as it gets
If you’re planning for your trip and want to figure out how far ahead or behind you’ll be
It’s as simple as typing “Time in [city_name]”
Google will automatically return the time in that particular city!!!
If you search for anything (restaurants, movie theaters, grocery stores, bars, etc.) with “near me,”
Google will give results based on your current location
If you’re going to be traveling, or just want to see what there is to do in a certain city, you can do that, too
Looking for the best tourist attractions in a city
Typing “Attractions [city_name]” will allow Google to create a special list of the top attractions for you to check out
If you need to get in contact with a company’s customer service department
If they list it, Google will provide it by typing in
“Customer Service [Company Name]”
Find all the books your favorite author has ever written simply by typing in "books by", then your author's name
You can do this with albums ("albums by") as well. This is a great way to find past works (or future works) that you might not be aware of.
Find out the origins - or etymology - of a specific word by typing in the word plus "etymology
For example, if you type in "flour etymology" you'll see that it is Middle English: a specific use of flower in the sense
‘the best part,’ used originally to mean ‘the finest quality of ground wheat’...
The spelling flower remained in use alongside flour until the early 19th cent."
Not sure if that piece of pizza is going to be better for you than say a cup of broccoli?
Ask Google to compare the nutritional value by typing in "pizza vs. broccoli", or anything else you'd like to compare
Google will come back with all pertinent nutritional and caloric information - it's up to you what you choose to do with that information, of course.
If you want to listen to a particular song by your favorite artist, or maybe even explore their discography,
just type in "artist" and "songs", i.e., "Carole King songs". You'll get a complete list of songs, plus videos and biographical information
You can also listen to the songs right there within your Web browser; note that this feature isn't always available for all artists.
Type in something you're experiencing health-wise, and Google will list out similar diagnoses based on what you're experiencing
For example, a search for "headache with eye pain" brings back "migraine", "cluster headache", "tension headache", etc.
Need to keep those cookies from burning while you're browsing your favorite sites?
Simply type "set timer for" whatever amount of minutes you're looking to keep track of and Google will run it in the background
If you attempt to close the window or tab that is running the timer, you'll get a popup alert asking if you really want to do that.
There are a multitude of fun tricks that you can make Google do with just a couple simple instructions:
Type in "do a barrel roll" and Google will rotate the results page a full 360 degrees.
Type in "askew" and your page 'leans' to the right a bit. Searching for anything else via Google puts it back to where it was
Type in "zerg rush" and your search page returns with 'O's eating the search results. Clicking each 'O' three times stops this
Type in "blink html" into your Google browser.
Type in "answer to life, the universe, and everything," and Google has a pretty clear answer
Type in "the loneliest number" in the search box and some fun Google tricks show you a calculated number
Type in “Google Gravity” Click “I'm Feeling Lucky” instead of hitting the return key or clicking “Google Search.”
Type in “Atari Breakout” and click on "Images" just below the search bar. Will start a ball game by combining all the images
Type in “Pacman” and click on play
Type in “Solitaire” and click on play
Get a detailed roster breakdown of your favorite sports team simply by typing in "team roster" (substituting the name of your team for the word "team")
You'll see a full-page color roster, with player information.
Use quotation marks to search for an exact quote and its origin
For example, if you knew the partial lyrics to a song, but weren’t sure of the singer or the songwriter,
you could simply frame the snippet that you did know in quotation marks and plug it into Google
More often than not, you’ll receive the full song lyrics as well as author, when it was first released, and other identifying information.
Using Google, you can use a little known command that will bring up sites related to a specified site
This comes in handy, especially if you really enjoy a particular site, and you’d like to see if there are others that are similar
Use “related:” to find sites that are similar; for example, “”.
e won’t say this is the most revolutionary thing Google has ever done,
but it’s definitely the most revolutionary thing they’ve done for those Friday nights where you
and your buddies can’t settle on one set of plans and also can not decide whether to bet it all on black or red?
Leave it up to Google fate. Need help picking the next bar? Problem solved. Steak or chicken? Google’s got you ;-)
Google Earth is a computer program that renders a 3D representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery. The program maps the Earth by superimposing satellite images, aerial photography, and GIS data onto a 3D globe, allowing users to see cities and landscapes from various angles. Users can explore the globe by entering addresses and coordinates, or by using a keyboard or mouse. The program can also be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet, using a touch screen or stylus to navigate
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