Understanding 404 Error Pages
Everything You Need to Know

HTTP 404 - 404 Not Found
Page Not Found - Server Not Found

Deleted Pages - DNS Settings Incorrect
Misspelled Page Addresses - Missing Files or images

Updated: May 10, 2024
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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What Is A 404 Error Page

A 404 error is an HTTP status code that means that the web page you were trying to reach could not be found

The 404 Error indicates that while the Web Server is reachable
But the specific web page that you are looking for is not

What Causes 404 Errors

An Error 404 is a client-side error. Or more commonly that it is your mistake. Oftentimes, a 404 error appears whenever a domain address or URL - Uniform Resource Locator was incorrectly entered.

  • • The resource has been deleted and is no longer available
  • • The URL or address linking to the resource has been changed
  • • The website is misconfigured and the Server can no longer find the resource
  • • The web site or page access is restricted and are not authorized to view

The .htaccess File

Another reason that can cause a 404 error could be a problem with the .htaccess file. The .htaccess file is a very important part of any web server and website. But you do have control over the .htaccess file. This file can change all redirects, secure your directories or change url parameters. If there have been some recent changes to the file, and after that you started receiving 404 errors, you can restore the old version of the file from a backup copy.
One way to have a custom 404 page is to edit the .htacess file, which is located under the root folder (usually inside the public_html folder for cPanel users).
To set a custom html message, you can insert this line into the .htaccess file:
ErrorDocument 404 "<H1>Error 404</H1> Insert a custom Error 404 message here"

Your error page will now look like this:

Error 404

Insert a custom Error 404 message here

How 404 Error Are Display

Here are some common ways in which you might see the HTTP 404 error being displayed

404 Error
Error 404
HTTP 404
404 Error Page
Error 404 Not Found
HTTP 404 Not Found
404 Page Not Found
404 File or Directory Not Found
The requested URL [URL] was not found on this server

404 Error Page

Show You Care About Your Customers

A 404 page should do more than show that a page is missing or for poor navigation on behalf of your website. Creating a better 404 page could help people navigate your website and possibly they will stay despite the inconvenience. You can also track those 404 errors to reduce how often people see this page

Often your website visitors can get turned around. And it is not always their fault. Maybe typed in the wrong URL or clicked on a broken link. Whatever the reason you now have a confused visitor who was looking to view your website. You can help them find the page they were looking for and the best way to do so is through a 404 Error Page

Your websites 404 error page can get your visitors back on their journey. Some of the Biggest Internet websites use no 404 pages or worse bad ones. No navigational links, no text, nothing that reflects any sort of message. Visitors are left even more disappointed in their encounter than before

Why Use Custom 404 Pages

Your 404 page can be a opportunity to show that your brand has humans than just a common automated message. Move beyond the generic “this page is unavailable” or "404 - File Not Found" page

There are some good 404 pages that go above and beyond. Well created 404 Pages can redirect your visitors away from being lost and confused and to a more helpful page on your website. A great 404 page does one thing above all else, make the visitors feel okay with not finding what they were looking for, even if only for a moment. And then will help direct them to where they need to go

While 404 pages vary greatly, the best ones all seem to do two things well:
Support the company’s overall brand and messaging
Successfully redirect visitors elsewhere on your website through clear navigation
RSH Web Services 404 page

Website Hosting

Can You Bypass a 404 Error?

You cannot bypass a 404 error. This is a response from the Web Server indicating that the requested page cannot be found. You can create a custom 404 page so that you are not present with the generic page that most Servers use as default.

Check for 404 errors or broken links on your website with these free online tools

Ahrefs' Broken Link Checker
The W3C Markup Validation Service
Free Broken Link Checker
Broken Link Checker - Dr. Link Check
DNS Checker.org
W3 SpeedUp
Broken Link Checker

Create a Custom 404 Page with cPanel

With all RSH Web Hosting accounts cPanel is available at no extra charge

To add a custom error page log into your cPanel account and look for "Advanced". Then click the “Error Pages” icon

On the next screen you will see a list of all the different error pages. This feature allows you to create different error pages. Just select your domain name from the drop-down box and click the 404 error page to edit it

On the next page, you will see a blank page that you can customize. You can insert tags such as referring URL, visitors IP address, requested URL, Server name, visitor’s browser and redirect status code

You can take advantage of all these features to provide more information to your visitors. For instance, we can enter the text below to customize the 404 (not found) error page:

Unfortunately, the URL you requested (<!--#echo var="REQUEST_URI" -->)
was not found on our <!--#echo var="HTTP_HOST" -->.
We can see you came from <!--#echo var="HTTP_REFERER" -->
and your IP address is <!--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR" -->
Feel free to contact us at admin@example.com
and include the error code <!--#echo var="REDIRECT_STATUS" -->
in your email and we will work on fixing this error message. Thank you

You can customize any of the common error pages for the following HTTP status codes
401 (Authorization required)
403 (Forbidden)
404 (Not found)
500 (Internal server error)

WordPress Custom 404 Pages

Creating a custom 404 page in WordPress is easier than you think. There are several ways to do it.

First option is to use the active Theme’s 404 page

  • • Go to Appearance > Theme File Editor in the WordPress dashboard
  • • Select your theme in the dropdown menu and look for the 404.php file
  • • You may also want to copy the 404.php to your child theme so that you don't lose your work when the theme updates
  • • You can personalize the text, add images or other elements to make it your own
  • Update File to save your changes

Second and most popular and easiest is with WordPress 404 page plugins. We have listed a few plugins below

All 404 Redirect to Homepage
404 to 301 - Redirect
404 Solution
Smart Custom 404 error page
Colorlib 404 Customizer
Redirect 404 to Homepage
WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post
Custom 404 Pro
Genesis 404 Page
Custom 404 Error Page

Successful 404 Page Ideas

Here are some suggestions that 404 pages have used successfully

• Try some humor. A joke (even a corny one) can do wonders for alleviating awkwardness or inconvenience
• Happy and snappy
• Be Clever with your design and images
• How about sassy or something totally unexpected
• Sarcasm can also pay off
• Be Friendly. The friendliness can come from an inviting design or warm copy
• Be Thought-provoking
• Your 404 pages can even be educational
• 404 pages can offer up resources and links to other helpful pages on your website
Anything that shows a sense of
Oh hey we’re really sorry about that. Let us try to fix it

Personal Info Safe

404 Error Page Examples


Make sure those navigation links and tactics are just as efficient on a mobile device as they are on desktop. Treat your 404 page as you would any other. In order for it to succeed, it should be easily navigable to a variety of users, especially in our now "Mobile First" world. Make sure the navigation on your pages are clear. The fix could even be as simple as changing descriptions on a page to paint a clearer picture for users

By creating a better 404 page you can transform your website into a unexpected but pleasant interruption for any website visitor.

Author Bio:

A senior content writer for RSH Web with a fondness for composing engaging and informative articles. In addition...

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