Using the Custom Error Page Interface in cPanel

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Defining custom error pages

Updated: January 3, 2025
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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cPanel - Advanced - Error Pages

404 Not Found
Custom error pages are displayed when a user enters a wrong URL, an outdated URL or when the user is not authorized to access a specific directory of your website.

Error Pages

The Error Pages feature allows you to define custom error pages for any HTTP status code

Adding Custom Error Pages

To customize an error page, perform the following steps:

1) Log into cPanel

2) Click on

Advanced >> Error Pages

  • If this account manages more than one domain, select the domain for which you wish to edit an error page from the Managing: menu

Error Pages

3) Click the error status code for which you wish to edit its error page.

  • If you do not see the desired error status code in that list, click the Show All HTTP Error Status Codes tab. Then, click on the desired error status code

4) Enter a message in the text box.

Error Page

  • To display information on the error page about the visitor who accessed your site, click the appropriate buttons for the information that you wish to display

5) Enter additional HTML code to further customize your error pages.

6) Click Save.

Additional Tags

The following tags can be added to your error pages

Referring URL: Displays the URL of the website the visitor was previously viewing

Visitor's IP Address: Displays the IP address of the visitor viewing the error page

Requested URL: Displays the intended URL the visitor is trying to view

Server name: Displays the website's server name

Visitor's browser: Displays the visitor's browser type such as IE, FireFox, Netscape, etc

Redirect Status Code: This displays the type of code in the 300-307 range

Choose the desired tags and press the Save button. Your Error Page is ready

Once you create the page
Make sure your .htaccess file is in the /public_html directory, and contains one of the lines below

You may have to create your own ".htaccess" file

For custom 404 error page: ErrorDocument 404 /404.shtml

For custom 500 error page: ErrorDocument 500 /500.shtml

Most Common Error Types

Error Pages can consists of the following five types of Errors:

400 - Bad Request

401 - Authorization Required

403 - Forbidden

404 - Wrong Page

500 - Internal Server Error

For a complete List of HTTP status codes

RSH Web Services 404 Page

A list of some nice 404 - Not Found Pages

YouTube Video - Error Pages

Watch our video about cPanel Hosting Services on YouTube

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