In this interface, you can manage the PHP version or pool option of any virtual host.
The system PHP version refers to version of PHP that functions as the global default for all accounts.
Only the system administrator can set the system PHP version. Any primary domain that is set to Inherit uses the system PHP version.
For more information, read cPanel's PHP Inheritance documentation.
PHP FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) is an alternative PHP module that allows a website to handle strenuous loads on sites.
PHP-FPM maintains pools (workers that respond to PHP requests) to accomplish this. These pools of workers allow the website to handle more requests than it normally could.
The list of Domains displays the following information:
Note: In EasyApache 4, each domain or virtual host can use any currently-installed PHP version or currently-installed PHP-FPM setting.
Note: Parked Domains represent aliases for a primary domain. The system does not list parked domains.
System administrators can enable or disable PHP-FPM through WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface
WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager
Use the Search text box to search domains by domain name or account name.
Note: EasyApache 4 supports PHP versions 5.4 through 5.6, PHP versions 7.0 through 7.4, and PHP 8.0 through 8.1.
The cPanel default profile includes PHP versions 7.4 and 8.0.
To change a domain’s PHP version, perform the following steps:
1) Select the checkbox for the domain that you wish to change.
2) Select the desired version of PHP from the PHP Version menu. To always use the system default, select inherit.
Note: If the system administrator recommends any PHP versions, the menu will display the Recommended label next to them.
3) Click Apply. The system will change the selected domain’s PHP version.
Note: When you change the PHP version for your domain and FPM is enabled, the system changes your FPM version to match the PHP version. If FPM is not enabled on your domain, the system changes the PHP and FPM versions separately.
If you enable FPM on your primary domain and then change that domain’s name, the system will disable FPM for the new domain. Your system administrator or hosting provider must re-enable FPM on the new domain if you wish to use FPM for the new domain.
For more information regarding PHP versions and installation, read our How to Locate and Install a PHP Version of Extension documentation.
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