When you change cPanel's interface language the system will set a cookie in your Browser that expires in one year.
You must perform this step each time that you log in to webmail from a new browser, whenever you delete cookies, and after the cookie expires.
There is also an option to change the log in interface locale for cPanel, WHM, or Webmail during the log in process, which will change the default language for the interface
To change the language for cPanel.
Under the Preferences section
To change your cPanel interface’s language, perform the following steps:
Note: If your browser’s Accept-Language header is set, the login interface will attempt to display the locale that corresponds to your browser setting. If the locale that the browser’s header requests is not available, the login interface will appear in English.
We have deprecated and removed our legacy locales. To reinstate partial language support, use the files the our github.com locale repository.
Your hosting provider can make them available.
To upload any language files found here, perform the steps in our Locale XML Upload documentation.
If you do not see your language of choice? Take cPanel's Language Support Feedback Survey to let them know your preferences.
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