Setting up a 301 Domain Name or Website Redirect with cPanel
Creating a redirect for your Website in cPanel is fairly easy
First log in to your cPanel
Next, navigate to the Domains section and click on Redirects option:
Choose the type of redirect you would like to use for your domain
Permanent (301) - this redirect will update the visitors bookmarks and direct search engines to the new site
Temporary (302) - it will redirect the visitor or search engine, but will not update the bookmark and the search engine will continue to index to the original page
Note: 301 redirects are permanent. They mean that the page has moved, and they request any search engine or user agent coming to the page to update the URL in their database.
This is the most common type of redirect that people should use. If you set up 302 redirects, Google and other sites that determine popularity ratings assume that the link is eventually going to be removed. After all, it's a temporary redirect. So the new page doesn't have any of the link popularity associated with the old page. It has to generate that popularity on its own
Choose the domain name you would like to redirect, from a drop-down menu:
If you want to redirect a single page or directory, you can use the text field following the drop-down menu and enter the name of the folder or file
Now Enter the full URL of the page your domain will be redirecting to in the "redirects to ->" field
Note: You need to enter the protocol as well, e.g. http://, https://
Next, Select if you want your domain to redirect with www. or not
"Only redirect with www." : the redirect will work if only visitors are using www. as a part of the URL
"Redirect with or without www." : the redirect will work regardless of using www. as a part of URL or not
"Do Not Redirect www." : the redirect will not work if visitors are using www. as a part of URL
Check-mark "Wild Card Redirect" if you would like all files in the current directory to be redirected to the same files names in the new directory.:
Example: if redirects to then:
with "Wild Card Redirect" - redirects to
without "Wild Card Redirect" - redirects to
Click on the "Add" button in order to create the redirect
The URL Frame Redirect is similar to URL redirect. The difference is the web page gets fetched and is displayed in a frame. The address bar of the browser will continue displaying your domain name
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