Using the Remote MySQL feature in cPanel

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Access MySQL databases remotely

Updated: January 3, 2025
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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cPanel - Data Bases - Remote MySQL

This Remote MySQL Interface will allow remote hosts or Servers to access MySQL databases on your hosting account

For example, if you wish to allow shopping cart or guestbook applications on other servers to access your databases.

Warning: Your hosting provider may add remote hosts to this list at the server level. If you see a hostname or IP address that you do not recognize, or remove a hostname or IP address that reappears later, contact your hosting provider.


Add Access Host

To specify remote hosts that can access MySQL databases on your account, perform the following steps:

1) Enter the host’s name in the Host text box.

Notes: You may enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address.
You may use the percentage sign character ( % ) as a wildcard. For example, to allow access from all IP addresses that begin with 192.68.0, enter 192.68.0%.
You must follow MySQL rules to use a range of IP Addresses. For more information, you can read MySQL’s documentation for Specifying Account Names.

2) Enter a description for the remote host in the Comment text box.

Notes: You must limit this description to 255 ASCII characters or fewer.
This step is optional.

3) Click Add Host.

Manage Access Hosts

This section of the database lists the remote hosts on your account and allows you to delete each host.

Edit a description

To Edit the description for a remote host, enter the new text and click Update. A message of success will appear.

Delete an access host

To deny database access to a remote host, perform the following steps:

1) Click Delete next to the host’s name or IP address. A confirmation message will appear.

2) Click Remove Access Host. A message of success will appear.

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