This feature allows you to configure how the Web Servers system routes a domain name’s incoming email
For an example you could use this interface to configure the Server as a backup mail exchanger, which will hold your email until the primary mail exchanger is available.
Warning: Misconfigured Email Routing settings can disrupt your ability to receive mail. If you are unsure which option to choose, contact your system administrator or hosting provider.
To configure how your server routes mail for a domain name, perform the following steps:
Select the desired domain from the menu. If only one domain name exists on your cPanel hosting account, the system selects it automatically.
Select one of the following options under Configure Email Routing:
Important: This setting only detects the local zone file entries and does not perform an actual DNS lookup. This setting is set upon configuration and does not automatically update. If changes are required, an administrator will need to manually adjust the MX Records in the DNS Zone Manager.
If the configured Mail Exchange MX records do not resolve, automatic detection will not occur.
Local Mail Exchanger
The server always accepts mail for this domain. The system will deliver mail to the local mailbox.
Note: Choose this option if your server uses smart hosts or another gateway service to filter mail. Also, choose this option if your hosting provider deleted the domain’s DNS zone.
Backup Mail Exchanger
The server functions as a backup mail exchanger. The system will hold mail for this domain until a lower number mail exchanger becomes available.
Note: You must configure the primary MX record to point to the appropriate exchanger. To edit MX records, use cPanel’s Zone Editor interface
cPanel » Home » Domains » Zone Editor
Remote Mail Exchanger
The Web Server will not accept mail for this domain. The system sends all mail for this domain to the lowest numbered mail exchanger.
Note: You must configure the primary MX Record to point to the appropriate exchanger. To edit MX records, use cPanel’s Zone Editor interface
cPanel » Home » Domains » Zone Editor.
Click Change.
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