Managing Email Accounts in cPanel

cPanel Tutorials and How To Guides

How to Create and Connect to an Email Account

Create, manage, and delete email accounts

Updated: January 3, 2025
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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cPanel - Email - Email Accounts

Electronic Mail: A computer-based application for the exchange of messages between users. E-mail is the electronic equivalent of a letter, but with advantages in timeliness and flexibility.

This feature in cPanel will let you create, manage, and delete Email accounts associated with your domain name

You can set account storage quotas, change passwords, and more.

You can access you email by using Webmail from your Browser, or by using a E-mail client such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird etc.

Creating an Email Account in cPanel

Follow these steps to create an email account in cPanel

1) Log in to your cPanel

2) Under the "Email" section click on " Email Accounts"

cPanel Emails

3) Click on "Add Email Account"

If you have multiple Domain Names, select the domain you want your email account to be associated with in the drop-down list in the top right corner

4) Enter the desired email (user name) and a strong password of your choice

You can also perform the following actions:

  • • Click the reveal icon (Reveal) to display the entered password
  • • Click Generate to let the system create a secure password for you. The system will reveal this password
  • • Click the more icon (More) to select password complexity settings. The system will use these settings when it generates a new password

cPanel Email

If all looks good, click on "Create Account"

Important: To set up a mail client for your email account, read cPanels Set Up Mail Client documentation.

YouTube - Creating an Email Account

Email account quota status

This area of the interface provides details about your email account quotas. It displays the total number of email accounts you can create. It also lists the current number of created email accounts.

Note: The infinity icon (∞) indicates that your account has an unlimited quota.
The total number of accounts does not include the cPanel account’s system user email account.
Some hosting providers allow their users to purchase quota increases. When this is available, the interface will display Buy More in this section.

For more information about how to manage your new email account, read cPanel's Manage Email Accounts documentation

Optional Settings

The section manages Optional Settings for your email account.

In the Storage Space section, perform one of the following actions:

1) Enter a custom disk storage size to limit the account’s email quota size.

2) Select Unlimited if you do not want to limit the account’s email quota size.

In the Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing section, select one of the following settings:

1) Automatically Create Folders,
• When you receive an email that uses plus addressing, the system will create a new folder.
• The server moves a message that uses plus addressing to a designated folder if the folder exists.
• For example, the system would place a message to in the plusaddress folder.

2) Do Not Automatically Create Folders.
• When you receive an email that uses plus addressing, the system will not create a new folder.
• Instead, it delivers the message to the INBOX folder.

3) Select the Send welcome email with instructions to set up a mail client checkbox to send the user mail client set up instructions.
• The user can access this message via Webmail. This message contains the mail client details and the .mobileconfig file for Apple® devices.

To Log Into Webmail

Click on Check Email next to the email account in question - |Access Webmail|


You will be prompted to enter the email password

You can also access webmail directly in the browser using one of the following links

Email in cPanel

Watch our video about cPanel Hosting Services on YouTube

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