The Difference Between Facebook and a Website

Both are equally important in building your brand

You have complete ownership over a website
But with Facebook it is free

Updated: July 16, 2023
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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Facebook vs Website

Over 25% of small businesses still do not have a website

There are many reasons companies choose not to create a website. Many Small Business owners can not afford to pay someone to build a Website, and their lack of time and technical expertise make it less likely they would build one themselves

Plus why would you want to build a website that has numerous costs like a domain name, web hosting services, web designers, SEO marketing campaigns, website updates and maintenance
When you could set up a Social Media page or pages for your business with sites like Facebook's, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram … for FREE?

Instead, some businesses opt to build a Facebook page or utilize other social media as their main online presence instead of creating a website

But having just a Facebook page can mean lost business and added headaches. And it is now easier and cheaper than ever to create a website

Website Hosting

Facebook is no longer the "Only Good Solution"

Even though a Forbes report shows there are more than 40 million active small business pages on Facebook

Facebook's pages are an easy way for many business owners to have an online presence. But still may not be the best option or image you want for your business. And there are many reasons why this is not the best solution for most businesses


The competition on Facebook is fierce. As reported by BuzzSumo. The average number of engagements with posts on Facebook created by brands has fallen more than 20 percent since 2017. They analyzed more than 870 million posts and gleaned the average number of engagements fell from 330 to 250 over the first 6 months of the year

Your in Control

Another benefit of maintaining your own Website. You control the brand experience.

A well-designed website will function as an extension of your company values and services. Facebook only shows your posts to some of your customers and fans. You have to pay advertising fees to reach more. So while pages are free to set up, building an audience costs quite a bit of money on an ongoing basis. Plus, you do not actually “own” your web presence; you are at the mercy of Facebook and the decisions it makes to boost its bottom line. You also will not be able to reach customers who do not use Facebook.

Plus with Facebook's screening and non-freedom of speech policies you might have posts and pages deleted without notice

With so many choices available today. Potential customers want to know and see what makes you different from your competition. A company website is much more conducive to relaying your story in a clear and engaging manner. Most important is your site will not be subject to the effects of Facebook's ever-changing algorithm. Relying on that "Third-party" site means following their terms of service - like it or not

email hosting

Domain Names

The Domain Name or URL that people see to access your page just does not look very professional.

Take RSH Web Services Face Book address:

Verses our domain name:

Which would you rather see on your business cards

Email Accounts

You will not have an email account with Facebook, you will lose out on a professional looking email address to also add to your business cards. People who rely on Facebook tend to give out Gmail, Yahoo, or even Hotmail email addresses to customers and clients. Without a Website or a good email address, you give the impression that you do not really take your business seriously

The Bottom Line

If you want your business to grow and be successful, a dedicated website is usually the best solution. And once you build your site, you can link it to your Facebook page to build your audience twice as fast

Having a Website is easier than ever today
Fortunately, the process of building a website takes less time, costs less, and is easier than ever, so there really is no excuse not to have your own website

RSH Web Services offers a number of apps that make it easy to build a website and get a professional email address

To get the most out of Facebook without being locked into the Facebook platform:

Register an extra Domain version of your business name. Then have it forward it to your Facebook page

Plus, it will be easier to remember and will look good on your business cards. When you decide to build your own website, you already have a domain name ready to go

So what are you waiting for?

With our Hosting packages, you can have a new website up and running before you know it

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If you need specific help with your account, feel free to contact us anytime
Thank you


Betsy C
Thanks for covering of the topic

Ben W
Great post. fantastic

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