A robots.txt file is a text file that tells search engine bots (also known as spiders or crawlers) which pages on your website to crawl and which to ignore.
When a bot crawls a website, it reads the robots.txt file to check for instructions on which pages it should crawl and which it should ignore.
When a search engine "bot" or crawler accesses a website, it requests for a file named "robots.txt". If such a file is found, the crawler checks it for the website indexation instructions. The file is located in the Website's root directory that specifies for the Bots what pages and files you want or do not want them to crawl or index.
Website owners normally want to be noticed by the Search Engines
But there are cases when it is not wanted. For example if you store sensitive data, or you need to save bandwidth by not indexing sites with a multitude of images.
You can typically view the file by typing the full URL for the homepage and then adding /robots.txt
The file has no links so users will not stumble upon it, but most web crawler bots will look for this file first before crawling the rest of the site.
The Robots.txt file serves a few primary purposes. It helps you manage the behavior of search engine crawlers, including which pages and directories they can and cannot access. While this file does not guarantee that crawlers will always obey its instructions, most major search engines respect it.
Benefits of Using a Robots.txt File:
The robots.txt file plays several crucial roles in website management and search engine optimization. Primarily, it serves as a communication tool between website owners and search engine crawlers, instructing them on which parts of the site to crawl and index. By specifying which pages or directories to allow or disallow, website administrators can control how their content appears in search engine results. Additionally, the robots.txt file can be used to protect sensitive or private information from being indexed, ensuring data security and compliance with privacy regulations. Overall, understanding and properly utilizing the robots.txt file is essential for optimizing website visibility, managing crawling behavior, and safeguarding content integrity.
The most important use of a robots.txt file is to maintain privacy from the Internet.
A robots.txt file guides search engine crawlers on which parts of a website to index or avoid. It helps manage site visibility, optimize SEO, protect sensitive content, and control crawler traffic, ensuring better performance and efficient interaction with search engines.
NOTE: A website can have only one robots.txt file. For multiple or additional domains and subdomains, the robots.txt file must be placed in the respective document root of each domain or subdomain.
In the realm of SEO strategy, the robots.txt file holds significant importance as a guiding force for search engine crawlers. By strategically configuring this file, website owners can influence how search engines discover and index their content. Precise directives within the robots.txt can ensure that valuable pages are prioritized for crawling while irrelevant or sensitive areas are excluded. This level of control not only streamlines the indexing process but also enhances the visibility of desired content in search engine results pages (SERPs). Proper utilization of the robots.txt file contributes to improved website rankings, efficient crawling, and ultimately, a stronger SEO performance overall.
The robots txt file is created in your web-site's root folder: /public_html/robot.txt
A "robots.txt" text file is basically just a simple text file made with any text editor such as Notepad++, and then can be uploaded to your website with a FTP program
You can also use the cPanel File Manager to create this file right on your website
Also see Setting up and using the FTP Interface in cPanel
• User-agent: [The name of the robot for which you are writing these rules]
• Disallow: [page, folder or path where you want to hide]
• Allow: [page, folder or path where you want to unhide]
• Sitemap: Used to call out the location of any XML sitemap(s) associated with this URL. Note this command is only supported by Google, Ask, Bing, and Yahoo.
• Crawl-delay: How many seconds a crawler should wait before loading and crawling page content. Note that Googlebot does not acknowledge this command, but crawl rate can be set in Google Search Console.
If you want to allow crawl everything, then use this code (All Search Engine)
User-agent: *
If you want to Disallow to crawl everything (All search Engine)
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
If you want to Disallow for the specific folder (All search Engine)
User-agent: *
Disallow: /folder name/
If you want to Disallow for the specific file (All search Engine)
User-agent: *
Disallow: /filename.html
If you want to Disallow for a folder but allow the crawling of one file in that folder (All search Engine)
User-agent: *
Disallow: /folderxyz/
Allow: /folderxyz/anyfile.html
Allow only one specific robot access in website
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
User-agent: Googlebot
To exclude a single robot
User-agent: BadBotName
Disallow: /
If you want to allow for the sitemap file crawling
User-agent: *
Sitemap: http://www.yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml
WordPress Robots txt File
User-agent: *
Disallow: /feed/
Disallow: /trackback/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-content/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /readme.html
Disallow: /xmlrpc.php
Allow: /wp-content/uploads/
Sitemap: https://yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml
With WordPress plugins designed specifically for creating and editing Robots.txt files, you can control how search engines crawl your site—without any coding. Block sensitive pages, prevent duplicate content, and optimize crawl efficiency, all from your WordPress dashboard. These plugins are perfect for both beginners and experienced users who want to improve their site’s SEO effortlessly.
While the Robots.txt file is a powerful tool, improper use can cause issues with search engine crawling and indexing. Here are some best practices to help you make the most of it.
While the Robots.txt file is a helpful tool, it’s easy to make mistakes that can have unintended consequences. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:
Googlebot-Image (for images)
Googlebot-News (for news)
Googlebot-Video (for video)
MSNBot-Media (for images and video)
DuckDuckBot/1.0; (+http://duckduckgo.com/duckduckbot.html)
facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; AOL 9.7; AOLBuild 4343.19; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; FunWebProducts)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; AOL 9.7; AOLBuild 4343.27; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Baidu Web Search
Baidu Image Search
For a complete list see perishablepress.com of search engine bot user agent names
Tip: Do not disallow files in the robots txt file that you want Bots to crawl or especially to hide. By doing this you are telling everyone about those files. We would recommend putting them inside a folder and Hide that folder
Other common mistakes are typos, misspelled directories, user-agents, missing colons after "User-agent" and "Disallow", etc. When your robots.txt files gets complicated, it is easy for an error to slip in.
The robots.txt file serves as a communication tool between website administrators and search engine crawlers, providing instructions on which pages or directories should be crawled and indexed. It plays a crucial role in managing a website's visibility in search engine results and protecting sensitive or private content from being indexed. By carefully configuring the robots.txt file, website owners can optimize their SEO Strategy, ensuring that their most important pages are prioritized for crawling while excluding irrelevant or duplicate content. Overall, understanding and properly utilizing the robots.txt file is essential for effective website management and search engine optimization.
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