Free Domain Names
With All Hosting Accounts

Affordable Hosting Solutions for Your Domain Name

Built for Speed, Engineered for Security, Crafted for You

Starting At $2.99
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cPanel Website Hosting Services

Domain Name Hosting​

Performance optimization is another key feature of top hosting solutions. Our hosting services use cutting-edge technologies like solid-state drives (SSDs), content delivery networks (CDNs), and advanced caching mechanisms to enhance site speed and performance. Faster loading times improve the user experience, boost search engine rankings, and reduce bounce rates, making performance optimization an essential component of any good hosting service

Blog Hosting
best hosting

Domain Services​

Having your website hosting with your Domain Name will make it easier to manage your hosting and domain all in one place. Get a professional email address that matches your Domain Name, Email forwarding to create multiple email aliases. Pick from hundreds of domain extensions. Learn how to find the perfect domain. Need help? We are always here to help.

Pro Personal

25 GB SSD Storage

Domain Name - Free

Unmetered Bandwidth

WordPress - Included

cPanel, Softaculous - Included

SiteJet Website Builder - Included

SSL Certificates - Included

5 Email Accounts

5 Parked Domains

5 Sub Domains

1 Website

Save 70% - $9.97/Regular Price
$2.99/Discount Price

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Most Popular
Pro Business

50 GB SSD Storage

Domain Name - Free

Unmetered Bandwidth

WordPress - Included

cPanel, Softaculous - Included

SiteJet Website Builder - Included

SSL Certificates - Included

25 Email Accounts

25 Parked Domains

25 Sub Domains

5 Websites

Save 70% - $14.97/Regular Price
$4.49/Discount Price

Order Now

Pro Ultimate

Unlimited SSD Storage

Domain Name - Free

Unmetered Bandwidth

WordPress - Included

cPanel, Softaculous - Included

SiteJet Website Builder - Included

SSL Certificates - Included

Unlimited Email Accounts

Unlimited Parked Domains

Unlimited Sub Domains

Unlimited Websites

Save 70% - $19.97/Regular Price
$5.99/Discount Price

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Domain Hosting Services That Work For You

An average of 30,000 sites are hacked each day globally. Our security measures help prevent this and protect your website and investment. RSH Web Services offers DDOS protection (brute force defense), free and paid SSL certificates, ConfigServer Security and Firewall (most popular and recommended firewalls) and a number of other security features are already in place to help keep your site secure. All at NO additional charge to you.

Blog Hosting

Features Included With All Hosting Plans

Our Easy Setup for WordPress

Industry Leading Control Panel (cPanel)

Our Easy Install of 450+ applications

Our Easy Setup for Domains

Fast SSD drives for all accounts

Domain Privacy for all Domains

Spam Protection with SpamAssassin

cPanel based Website Transfers

ConfigServer Security and Firewall

Unmetered Bandwidth with no limits

Full configuration with ".htaccess" files


Your Email Address Firewall Protection

All our hosting accounts include ConfigServer Firewall and DDoS Security Monitoring to secure your website against dangerous traffic, malware, viruses, and other digital threats.

Free SSL Certificate Free SSL Certificate

We provide a free SSL certificate to protect your site with HTTPS. SSL certificates inspire trust between you and your users. And help your Google SEO ranking.

Credibility Credibility

This is your business or personal Brand. You are building a great Website with a great Domain. Will you use that cheap looking generic email address?.

Free Domain Name Free Domain Name

Free Domain Name with any of our web hosting accounts. Or take advantage of our regular domain name registration discounts.

 Custom Email Address Custom Email Address

Help your customers remember your company and put a front of professionalism and confidence, linking your email to your domain name.

cPanel Easy to Use cPanel

The leading control panel. Supports all languages. Over 80 different features such as Subdomains, email accounts, error logs, file manager and more.

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Hosting FAQ's

How long does it take before my domain name is active?
In some instances it is immediate. But it usually takes about 12-24 hours before it is active. Note: All ISPs must update their records (DNS tables) to reflect the new Domain Name

Do you have CRON support?
Yes, CRON is fully supported and manageable through the cPanel interface Use the Cron Jobs interface to automate certain commands or scripts on your site to run at a specific time

Is RSH Web Hosting Developer Friendly
Since our launch in 1997, RSH Web Services has a strong focus on providing the latest and best versions of the most popular development software. A short list of the development software available includes: PHP MySQL HTML-XHTML Java PostgreSQL Python ERL Apache Node.js CSS FTP/SFTP cPanel Softaculous and Free SSL. Coding or Script Libraries are also available

What Control Panels do you provide?
We provide cPanel as the standard control interfacefor your website with all hosting packages. With over 80 different features it is one of the most powerful but easy to use. With just a few clicks you can add email accounts, MySQL Databases, Addon Domains and many more

Can I access my domain address with or without the "WWW"?
Yes, you will be able to access the domain address with or without the "www" in front of the domain name. Example: or is acceptable, whichever you prefer

Professional, Reliable and Secure Web Hosting at affordable prices

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