Security for Your Website

Web Servers, Web Applications, Networks
Steps To Improve Your Website Security

Importance of Internet Security for your Website

Updated: May 18, 2023
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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Websites are a Security Risk

With the growing dependency on the Internet today. Secure access to any website is becoming paramount.

If you have any assets of value or if anything about your website puts you in the public spotlight.
Then your website security WILL be tested.


One of the best options to protect your website is to install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. You may not have noticed, but you do use HTTPS when you browse the web. Just look for the padlock in the address bar. SSL encrypts all content between your website and your visitors. Google even warns visitors when entering a site without SSL. (Rumor has it Google penalizes those sites without SSL in the Search results). Today, there is no excuse not to have HTTPS. Especially if you are accepting payments through your Website. Asking for login details or any sensitive information. Without SSL, the data is unprotected and vulnerable to hackers.

Make Your Passwords Uncrackable

We forget just how important a good password is. We often overlook the fact that your password is all that’s standing between your sensitive information and a hacker. Not only are strong passwords critical, but they are one of the easiest things you can do to increase the security of your website.


Keep your Website Up To Date

Using WordPress or any type of Site Building program can bring risk. The leading cause of websites being hacked is its vulnerabilities. The code to these scripts is easy to obtain by malicious hackers. Hackers can pore over the code looking for vulnerabilities. This can allow them to take control of your site by exploiting any weakness. To protect your website from vulnerabilities. Make sure your program, Plugins and any scripts you’ve installed are up-to-date.

Hide your Admin Folders

Having your website's sensitive folders named "/wp", "/admin", or "/root" is easy and convenient. But remember this also makes it easy for hackers too. Changing the location's name to something different, like "/rsh-wp" or "my-admin" can make it harder for attackers to locate your folders and files.

Web Server Security

The Web Servers that host's your website can also be at risk. Any Server system with multiple open ports, multiple services and multiple scripting languages is vulnerable. Because it has so many points of entry. It is also known that poorly written software creates security issues. And the number of exploits that could create web security issues is directly proportional to the size and complexity of your web applications and web server. If your system has been correctly configured and your IT staff has been very punctual about applying security patches and updates, your risks are low. Then there is the matter of the applications you are running. These to require frequent updates.

Website Code, Software, and Security

Your website provides some means of communication with its Visitors. In every place that has interaction, it is possible that you have a potential security vulnerability. Websites often invite visitors to:

  • • Load a new page containing dynamic content
  • • Search for a product or location
  • • Fill out a contact form
  • • Search the site content
  • • Use a shopping cart
  • • Create an account
  • • Logon to an account

In each case, your website visitor is effectively sending a command to or through your Web Server. In each opportunity to communicate, such as a form field, search field or blog comments section, correctly written code allows only a very narrow range of information to pass, in or out. This is ideal for Website Security. However, these limits are not automatic. It takes well-trained programmers a good deal of time to write code that allows all expected data to pass and stop all unwanted or potentially harmful data.


Code on your website has come from a variety of programmers, some work for third party vendors. Some code is old. Some code is just written poorly. Your website may be running software from different sources. Then your own website Designer and Webmaster has each produced even more code of their own. And or made revisions to code that may have altered or completely eliminated previously established web security protocols.

Old Software

The software that may have been purchased years ago and which is no longer in use. Accumulated over many years and applications that are no longer in use and with which nobody on your current staff is familiar. This code may not be easy to find, has not been used, patched or updated for years. It is exactly what hackers are looking for.

Website Security Defense Strategy

There are two options to accomplish good website security.

Assign all the resources needed to maintain constant alert to a security team. They would ensure that all patches and updates are done at once. Have all of your existing apps and programs reviewed for the correct security measures. Ensure that only security knowledgeable programmers work on your website, and have their work checked carefully. Maintain a strong firewall, antivirus protection, and run IPS/IDS.

Use a website scanning solution to test your existing equipment, applications and website code to see if a KNOWN vulnerability actually exists. While firewalls, antivirus and IPS/IDS are all good, It is also good to lock the front door. It is far more effective to repair a half dozen actual risks than it is to leave them in place and try to build higher and higher walls around everything.

Website and Network vulnerability scanning can be the most efficient security investment of all. Website scanning will actually produce a higher level of web security for your money. This is proven by the number of well defended websites which get attacked every month. Your best defense against an attack on your website is to scan.

Website Hosting

Website Testing

Also known as web scanning or auditing
Listing some of the more popular companies and tools for scanning websites.

Beyond Security - WSSA

Requires no installation of software or hardware and is done without any interruption of web services. WSSA can run through its entire database of over ten thousand vulnerabilities.


Get lightning fast results on your website's health in a matter of one click. Get a clear picture of technical issues and keep track of all changes with detailed PDF and CSV reports.

Pentest Tools

Discover common web application vulnerabilities and server configuration issues.

Security Audit

Provide penetration testing services using the latest 'real world' attack techniques, giving our clients the most in-depth and accurate information to help mitigate potential threats to their online assets.

Free website testing

Snyk free website vulnerability scanner performs a passive web security scan in order to detect issues like: outdated server software and insecure HTTP headers.


Maybe the most popular free website malware and security scanner. You can do a quick test for Malware, Website blacklisting, Injected SPAM, and Defacement.

Qualys SSL Labs

One of most used tools to scan SSL web server. It provides in-depth analysis of your HTTPS URL including expiry day, overall rating, Cipher, SSL/TLS version, Handshake simulation, Protocol details, BEAST and much more.


Test website for OWASP Top Risks and malware, against SCP security benchmark and much more.


It scans your website for malicious files, suspicious files, potentially suspicious files, phishTank, Safe Browsing (Google, Yandex) and Malware domain list.


SaaS-based website security scanner. This got 100+ automated security tests including OWASP Top 10, malware and much more.


Helps you to scan your domain for malware, website blacklisting, injected spam, defacement and much more, The scanner is compatible with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, osCommerce, Bulletin and other platforms.

Web Inspector

Scans your site and provides thread report including Blacklist, Phishing & Malware, Worms, Website Backdoors, Trojans, Suspicious frames, Suspicious connections.


Analyzes complete website for more than 500 vulnerabilities, including DNS and network infrastructure from Acunetix servers.

Tinfoil Security

First audits your website against top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities and then other known security holes. You get an actionable report and an option to re-scan once you are done with necessary fixes.

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