WordPress Page Creation Made Easy
Tips and Tricks

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Creating Custom Pages in WordPress

Updated: October 9, 2024
By: RSH Web Editorial Staff

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WordPress Pages

Creating pages in WordPress is essential for building a professional and organized website. Unlike posts, which are typically time-sensitive and displayed in reverse chronological order, pages are meant for static content that remains consistent, such as an About Us page, a Contact page, or Services offered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating pages in WordPress, from the basics to advanced tips for optimizing your pages for better engagement and SEO.

What is a WordPress Page?

A WordPress page is a type of content that is meant for static information on your website. Unlike posts, which are frequently updated and categorized by date, pages are intended for information that doesn’t change often. Pages are typically linked from your main navigation menu, making them easily accessible for visitors.

  • • Pages are for content that is not specifically time dependent, or which is not "blog content"
  • • Pages can be organized into pages and sub-pages
  • • Pages can use different "Page Templates", including template files, template tags and other PHP code
  • • More complex Themes may provide a wider range of adjustments or display options for individual pages
  • • You can make a website using WordPress which only contains pages

Why Use Pages Instead of Posts?

There are several reasons to use pages over posts for certain content:

  • • Static Nature: Pages are ideal for content that doesn’t require frequent updates.
  • • Hierarchy: You can organize pages in a hierarchical structure, allowing you to create subpages for better navigation.
  • • Navigation: Pages are typically part of the main site structure, making them more permanent and easier to find.

Using pages appropriately can enhance user experience and improve the overall organization of your website.

wordpress pages

How to Create Your First Page

Creating a WordPress page is very similar to creating a post. These pages are intended for static content. Follow these steps to get started:

  • • Log into Your WordPress Admin Panel: Navigate to yourwebsite.com/wp-admin and enter your credentials.
  • • Go to the Pages Section: On the left sidebar, click on “Pages,” then select “Add New.”
  • • Enter Your Page Title: Type your desired title at the top of the editor . This title will be displayed as the heading on your page.
  • • Classic Editor: If you want to get back to the classic editor They have a classic editor plugin you can install
  • • Add Content: Below the title, you can start adding content. Use the block editor to create various content types.
  • • Peermalinks: If you have custom permalinks set up, the title of your page will also be the URL or page name "slug". name "slug".


  • • Preview Your Page: Click the “Preview” button to see how your page will look once published.
  • • Publish Your Page: Once you’re satisfied with the content, click the “Publish” button to make it live on your website.
WordPress Managing

Understanding the WordPress Page Editor

WordPress uses a block-based editor known as Gutenberg, which allows for a flexible layout and content management. Familiarizing yourself with this editor is crucial for effective page creation.
Key Features of the Block Editor

  • • Blocks: Each piece of content (text, images, videos, etc.) is contained in a block, making it easy to rearrange and format.
  • • Toolbar: Each block has its own toolbar for formatting options such as bold, italic, lists, and alignment.
  • • Reusable Blocks: You can save certain blocks for reuse in other posts or pages, which can save time.

Formatting Your Page Content

Formatting your page content properly is essential for readability and engagement. Here are some tips:

  • • Headings: Use headings (H2, H3) to break up sections and make it easier for readers to skim.
  • • Paragraphs: Keep paragraphs short for better readability.
  • • Lists: Utilize bullet points or numbered lists to present information clearly.

Adding Media to Your Pages

Incorporating images, videos, and other media into your pages can significantly enhance the user experience. Here’s how to add media:

  • • Click the “+” Icon: In the block editor, click the “+” icon to add a new block.
  • • Select Media Type: Choose the type of media you want to add (Image, Video, Gallery, etc.).
  • • Upload or Select Media: You can upload a new file or select one from your media library.
  • • Add Alt Text: Be sure to add descriptive alt text for images to improve accessibility and SEO.

Setting Page Attributes

WordPress allows you to set specific attributes for your pages, which can enhance their functionality and organization.
Key Page Attributes

  • • Parent Page: You can assign a parent page to create a hierarchical structure. This is useful for creating subpages.
  • • Template: Depending on your theme, you may have different page templates available (e.g., full-width, sidebar).
  • • Order: You can set the order of pages for navigation purposes.
  • • Set Page Attributes: In the page editor, look for the “Page Attributes” section in the right sidebar. Choose a parent page from the dropdown menu (if applicable). Select a template if your theme supports multiple layouts. Set the order number to organize how pages will be displayed.

Managing Your Pages

Once you’ve created pages, managing them effectively is essential for keeping your website organized.

  • • View All Pages: Click on “Pages” in the left sidebar to see a list of all your pages.
  • • Edit a Page: Hover over the page title and click “Edit” to make changes.
  • • Delete a Page: If you want to remove a page, hover over the title and click “Trash.”
  • • Quick Edit: For minor changes, you can use the “Quick Edit” option, which allows you to edit the title, slug, and other attributes without opening the full editor.

Optimizing Pages for SEO

To enhance your website's visibility in search engines, optimizing your pages for SEO is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords for your page content using tools like Google Keyword Planner.
  • • Optimize Title and Meta Description: Use your primary keyword in the title and write a compelling meta description that encourages clicks.
  • • Use Headings Effectively: Include keywords in your headings to improve SEO and help readers navigate your content.
  • • Internal Linking: Link to other relevant pages within your site to enhance navigation and boost SEO.
  • • Add Alt Text to Images: Describe images using alt text to improve accessibility and search engine visibility.

WordPress Page Plugins

Super Page Cache for Cloudflare

Speed up a WordPress website by caching your webpages onto global CDN using any Cloudflare Plan. By Optimole

Duplicate Page

Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts easily using single click. By mndpsingh287

Page Loading Effects

Are you tired of slow-loading pages on your website? Introducing the ultimate solution – our brand new WP plugin that displays a stunning loading animation. By esstat17

Landing Page Builder

Landing Page Builder By PluginOps is a powerful page builder with 90+ free templates to build highly converting landing pages for free. By PluginOps

Password Protect Pages

Password protect WordPress pages and posts by user roles or with multiple passwords; protect your entire website with a single password. By BWPS

WP Sitemap Page

Add a sitemap on any of your page using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]. Improve the SEO and navigation of your website. By Tony Archambeau

Simple Page Ordering

Order your pages and other custom post types that support "page-attributes" with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list. By 10up

Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster

Make your website load FASTER by preventing specific scripts (.JS) & styles (.CSS) from loading on pages/posts and home page. By Gabe Livan

Further reading on WordPress Pages

WordPress logoWordPress Resources

Developers WordPress.org
Explore WordPress development with our comprehensive guides and resources. Learn to create themes, plugins, and optimize your site

Security WordPress.org
Discover WordPress security best practices to protect your site. Learn about updates, secure hosting, and essential plugins to keep your content safe from threats

Themes WordPress.org
Browse thousands of free WordPress themes to customize your site’s look. Find the perfect design for your blog, business, or portfolio, and enhance your site’s functionality

Plugins WordPress.org
Unlock your site's potential with thousands of free WordPress plugins! Enhance functionality, improve performance, and add features easily. Explore, install, and elevate your website

Widgets WordPress.org
Discover WordPress widgets to customize your site’s layout easily! Add functionality and content in sidebars and footers without coding

Codex WordPress.org
Explore the WordPress Codex for comprehensive documentation and tutorials. Find guides on themes, plugins, and customization to help you master WordPress

Online Courses WordPress.org
Explore free WordPress courses designed for all skill levels! Learn about themes, plugins, and site management through structured lessons to boost your skills and create stunning websites

Community WordPress.org
Join the WordPress community! Collaborate with passionate contributors, share ideas, and help shape the future of WordPress. Get involved in events, discussions, and projects today

WordPress Resources RSHWeb.com
RSH Web Services complete WordPress resources. Our blog helps you find WordPress Resources like optimize your site, improve performance, and master all things WordPress


Creating pages in WordPress is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to build a professional website. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to create engaging, well-structured pages that serve your audience effectively.

Remember, optimizing your pages for SEO and ensuring they are well-organized can significantly impact your website’s success. Take the time to plan your content, format it effectively, and keep your audience in mind.

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